Fresh News
Detective Pikachu Movie Bundle!
Crappykids, Umitoys and neet are joining forces to create a unique experience and exclusive fan inspired merchandise for the upcoming, "Pokémon: Detective Pikachu" movie. The first 75 customers who purchase a bundle reserves a seat for our private showing on May 11 at Olino Theatre. (More details to come)
Pootoro 2.0 Photoshoot
Himouto Poomaru-Chan Photoshoot
Crappykids presents: Piece Of Crap Series #1
Our goal has always been to prove if we can sell a piece of crap and become successful, then you can achieve the same success also no matter how silly your dream is. And we thought collecting CRAP would be fun as many of you already collect our little stickers. So we wanted to create something more limited and more collectable. "Its not art, its not a toy. Its just a piece of crap!"
Draw Andre Contest Part 4
Its that time again! Test your drawing skills in our little "Draw Andre Contest Part 3." Get your pen, pencil, watercolors, spray can, mud, whatever, and doodle the most creative version of Andre The Crap you can think of! Now to even the playing field for those who feel like they aren't as talented at drawing. You now have a chance to win also! Anyone can enter!